Timberline Ridge HOA uses PAYHOA.com to provide homeowners with an online account.
Homeowners can login to the homeowner portal:
Don't have an account yet? Sign up for an account here.
Astound Broadband (cable & internet)
Ziply Fiber (phone & internet)
Puget Sound Energy (gas & electricity)
NE Sammamish Water & Sewer
Republic Services (garbage - Thurs pickup)
Sometimes it's confusing with so many "Timberline neighborhoods". Here's a list of nearby HOAs:
Timberline &Timberline Highlands
Timberline Park
You can figure out your HOA using this map.
Meet your neighbors, get recommendations and keep up to date on neighborhood news.
Join the Timberline Ridge Homeowners' Association Facebook group.
The TR HOA holds its annual meeting every year in Q4.
All property owners are welcome to attend. If you are unable to attend, you can vote via proxy. Details about the annual meeting can be found here.
Annual dues are assessed to support the maintenance of our parks, sport court and all the TR HOA common areas. The annual assessments are due January 1st of each year. Homeowners have until Jan 31st to complete the annual payment, after which late fees will be assessed.
TR HOA accepts online payment via PAYHOA, see details.
Homeowners are responsible for paying annual dues.
(They are not paid by your mortgage escrow account.)
Questions? Contact: Treasurer@TimberlineRidge.org
This HOA document provides our Timberline Ridge (TR) residents a summary with explanation of our current Homeowner’s Association (HOA) rules, Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and other existing State Laws. Homeowners are encouraged to contact the TR HOA Board with questions and to notify us of homeowner violations.
Email: Board@TimberlineRidge.org
Garbage cans shall be kept out of view from the street except on garbage day (Thursdays).
Trash, recycling, and yard waste bins should be kept in the homeowner’s garage or hidden behind a side yard fence or hedge.
To keep the neighborhood clean, homeowners should pick up after their pets. Dog poop bags should be taken home and placed in homeowners’ trash cans.
Homeowners are expected to maintain their lawns, bushes, and hedges, as well as remove grass cuttings and weeds in their lawns and flower beds. Dead plants and trees should also be removed.
Hedges also require regular maintenance. Allowing hedges to grow too high or wide can make it harder to maintain them; they should be pruned yearly, otherwise they are more apt to split open during heavy snowfalls. To keep the
look of the neighborhood consistent, residents are not permitted to install artificial lawn surfaces in their front yards.
Boats, boat trailers, campers, mobile homes, recreational vehicles or travel trailers, cars, or similar objects, either with or without wheels may not be kept on lots without being fully screened from view.
No ACC review is required if vehicles are stored inside a homeowner's garage.
Homeowners may keep these vehicles on their driveway for up to 24 hours for loading and unloading, then they must be returned to offsite
storage facilities, or placed back into the homeowner garage. See the Rules & Regulations doc for more info on vehicle classifications and screening requirements.
Building an outdoor living space? Adding or moving a fence? Painting your house? Reroofing? Doing some major Relandscaping?
Any update or modification to the exterior of your home requires approval from the Architectural Control Committee (ACC).
Visit our ACC page for details.
Have questions or concerns about the parks, playgrounds or other common areas throughout the HOA?
Visit our Landscaping page for details.
If you have a question/concern about an HOA tree near your property, please submit a tree review request here.
TR HOA replaced all HOA mailboxes in 2023 with secure USPS-approved cluster boxes units (CBUs).
Each homeowner was given 3 coded keys for their mailbox. If additional keys are needed, homeowners must have a security-coded blank key from Florence Manufacturing to take to a locksmith. Homeowners can request coded blank keys from the HOA.
When selling your home, homeowners must inform your realtor, title & escrow companies that your home is part of an HOA and subject to CC&Rs. The TR HOA must provide documentation to the escrow company indicating annual dues amount and any balance owed to the HOA.
Have the escrow company complete the online form to request the HOA Payoff Demand paperwork from TR HOA.
Your bank or credit union might require certain information from TR HOA for financing or refinancing.
You can find it here.
Homeowners who wish to lease their homes must notify the HOA and provide the names of the renters as well as contacts for their property management company, if any. Please provide these contacts as well as a copy of the lease to treasurer@timberlineridge.org.
Homeowners must maintain regular communication with the HOA as needed.
Leases must be in writing and provided to the HOA to ensure compliance with the CC&Rs.
All tenants must comply with the provisions of the CC&Rs, the Bylaws and these Rules, but homeowners are responsible for the violations of their tenants and occupants and only homeowners will receive notice of any violations.
Leases must be for a minimum of
6 months to maintain safety and minimize the impact to the neighborhood.
Not sure where your property line is? Check out this (unofficial) Plat Map
filed by the developer with King County.
We have a PDF copy of it here.
Homeowners should keep their vehicles parked in their garages for safety and neighborhood aesthetics. If additional space is needed, homeowners’ cars must be first parked on driveways, then if needed, on city streets.
Incidents occurring on city streets are the responsibility of the City of Sammamish, not TR HOA.
If homeowners have a concern about road debris, snow, speeding or a car that has been parked on a city street for more than 72 hours, they should report the issue directly to the City of Sammamish.
Also, homeowners should contact the City of Sammamish for street light issues.
See the My Sammamish reporting tool here.